Thanks do I give to the Lord - Psalm

Thanks do I give to the Lord, With my whole heart evermore, Thanks do I give to the Lord
For His faithfulness and love.
In the presence of angles I will bless Him,
And adore Him before His Holy temple
On the days I called He answered, He increased the strength of my soul
Thanks do I give to the Lord, With my whole heart evermore, Thanks do I give to the Lord
For His faithfulness and love.
For the Lord looks with favour on the humble,
from afar, He marks down the proud.
Though I live in the midst of affliction
My life He preserves against my foes.
Thanks do I give to the Lord, With my whole heart evermore, Thanks do I give to the Lord
For His faithfulness and love.
You stretch out your hand, O Lord, You save me, and Your right hand will do all things for me, For your steadfast love endures for ever, don’t abandon the works Your hand has made.
Thanks do I give to the Lord, With my whole heart evermore, Thanks do I give to the Lord
For His faithfulness and love.

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