Help Me My God: Psalm

 Scale : D   

Help me My God:
why have You
Forsaken me
why are You so far from my cry

All who see me deride me
They curl their lips
they toss their heads
He trusted in the Lord
let him save him;
Let him release him
if this is his friend

Help me My God:
why have You
Forsaken me
why are You so far from my cry

Many dogs have
surrounded me, a band
of the wicked beset me
They tear holes
in my hands and my feet
I can count every
one of my bones

Help me My God:
why have You
Forsaken me
why are You so far from my cry

They divide my clothing among them
They cast lots for my robe
O Lord, do not
leave me alone
my strength, make
haste to help me!

Help me  My God:
why have You
Forsaken me
why are You so far from my cry

I will tell of Your Name
to my brethren
and praise you where
they are assembled
“You who fear the
Lord give Him praise
all sons of Jacob, give Him Glory
Revere Him, Israel’s sons.

Help me My God:
why have You
Forsaken me
why are You so far from my cry


D    A     D     A     D 

D    A   D   G   D A   G  G   D  A  D

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