prayer for pregnant women:

 Here's a prayer for pregnant women:

Dear God,

I come before you as a pregnant woman, filled with both joy and anticipation for the new life growing inside of me. Lord, I pray for the health and safety of my unborn child, that they may be born in your time, according to your perfect plan.

I ask that you grant me the strength and wisdom to care for this precious life you've entrusted to me. Guide me in making good choices for both myself and my baby, and bless us with your loving protection.

Lord, in moments of fear or uncertainty, help me to trust in your unfailing love and faithfulness. Give me peace that surpasses all understanding, and remind me that you are with me always.

I thank you, Lord, for the miracle of life, and for the privilege of being a mother. I pray that I may honor you in all that I do, and that my child may grow to know and love you as their heavenly Father.

In Jesus' name I pray,


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