We welcome articles in any Indian Languages.....!!
Its for finding a platform for the readers to publish their creativity.. So anything related to the spiritual articles are welcome. We shall post it under Write up section with Your name and Photo (Not Mandatory)...!
Send your Contents to : whzzz99@gmail.com
You can even send us your articles which has published in any other platform. As long as you are the owner you have all the rights to do so! ......
Write ups can be in
( English or any Indian Languages )
- General Spiritual article about any content.
- Stories related to Spirituality and Motivation.
- Self Created Personal prayers to Saints, Holy Spirit, Trinity, Mother Mary, Jesus etc.....
- Self Created prayers for different Occassions.
- Your Testimony of Life experience in God
- Also creative art work related to Christian spiritual growth
- Paintings
- Drawings
- Editing with Verse
Send Us the Missing Lyrics of Hymns.... We shall add it here in our portal
Send your Contents to : whzzz99@gmail.com
NB: Please provide your name
Its all about how well you can motivate others through your words, your testimonies and through the prayers.......!!!
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