Psalm 97 - O Sing to the Lord your

O sing to the Lord your songs of Praise, Alleluia
Sing to the Lord new songs of praise
For all the marvels and wonders
 He has done
O sing to the Lord your songs of Praise, Alleluia
The Lord has given proof of His saving power
He has shown His justice to the nations
O sing to the Lord your songs of Praise, Alleluia
He has remembered His gracious promise
He has kept faith with Israel's people.
O sing to the Lord your songs of Praise, Alleluia
All the ends of the earth have seen
His love
All the earth be glad, Rejoice and sing
O sing to the Lord your songs of Praise, Alleluia
Sing Psalms to the Lord with the sound of music
With sounding horns acclaim the King

O sing to the Lord your songs of Praise, Alleluia
Let the ocean roar and the rivers clap
 their hands
And the mountains ring out their joy
O sing to the Lord your songs of Praise, Alleluia
For He comes to judge the earth with justice
He will rule the people with fairness
O sing to the Lord your songs of Praise, Alleluia
To the Father, Son and Spirit give praise,
Both now and forever. Amen.
O sing to the Lord your songs of Praise, Alleluia

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