Good News,
Good News,
Go proclaim to all the
Good News,
Good News
Go and tell the world
“with Jesus we have Risen
Alleluia death shall reign no more”.
“with Jesus we have Risen
Alleluia death shall reign no more”.
We have Broken Bread
in His memory
We have drunk
His wine.
We have shared
the meal of sincerity
Now we walk
in love.
Good News,
Good News,
Go proclaim to all the
Good News,
Good News
Go and tell the world
“with Jesus we have Risen
Alleluia death shall reign no more”.
“with Jesus we have Risen
Alleluia death shall reign no more”.
We impart a secret
which God decreed
Ere the world began,
That a grain
of wheat
should fall and die
If it must bear fruit.
Good News,
Good News,
Go proclaim to all the
Good News,
Good News
Go and tell the world
“with Jesus we have Risen
Alleluia death shall reign no more”.
“with Jesus we have Risen
Alleluia death shall reign no more”.
Listen to the folly
of what we preach
Take heed
and believe
All we know
is nothing
but Jesus
And Him crucified
is nothing
but Jesus
And Him crucified
Good News,
Good News,
Go proclaim to all the
Good News,
Good News
Go and tell the world
“with Jesus we have Risen
Alleluia death shall reign no more”.
“with Jesus we have Risen
Alleluia death shall reign no more”.