I will come to You - Communion

I will come to You
in the silence
I will lift you from
all your fear

You will hear
My voice
I claim you as
my choice
Be still and know
 I am here

Do not be afraid
 I am with you

I have called you
each by name

Come and follow Me,
I will bring you home

I Love you and you are Mine.
I am hope for all
who are hopeless
I am eyes for all
 who long to see

In the shadows
 of the night
 I will be your Light
Come and
rest in Me
Do not be afraid
 I am with you

I have called you
each by name

Come and follow Me,
I will bring you home

I Love you and you are Mine.

I am strength for
all the despairing
Healing for
the ones
who dwell in shame

All the blind will see;
the lame will
all run free
And all will know
My Name.
Do not be afraid
 I am with you

I have called you
each by name

Come and follow Me,
I will bring you home

I Love you and you are Mine.
Am the word that leads
all to Freedom
Am the Peace
the world
cannot give
I will call your name, embracing
all your pain
Stand up, now
walk and live.
Do not be afraid
 I am with you

I have called you
each by name

Come and follow Me,
I will bring you home

I Love you and you are Mine.

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